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New posts in configuration-files

How to use a POCO object to access an array of options in the appsettings.json file (ASP.NET 5)

Custom SpecFlow TestGeneratorProvider registration causes NullReferenceException at test generation

Python root logger messages not being logged via handler configured with fileConfig

Automating *just* exim4 configuration with debconf-set-selections with Ansible

Is using app.config and ConfigurationManager in .NET core advisable?

How to read property from config file inside Jenkins pipeline using Config File Provider Plugin

Why is the System.Configuration assembly not included in new projects by default?

Read connectionStrings element of your app.config

*nix configuration file storage convention?

What are the pros and cons for using a database to store configuration information compared to a File System

Is there a configuration file for Numpy?

Shared schema and configuration across multiple Solr 4.6 cores

Set VPN connection on iOS programmatically or openVPN source code

Java platform: How to manage Configuration Settings for each Developer

java configuration-files

Working with Web.Release.config (Web.config transformation)

When working with AppHarbor, how can I properly manage development and live configuration files?

Starting PostgreSQL server failed after modification of postgresql.conf using the sudo command

Reading Java Properties file without escaping values

Keeping dot files synched across machines?

unix configuration-files

PHP - Application config file stored as - ini,php,sql,cached,php class,JSON,php array?