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New posts in compiler-bug

Memory leak in Free Pascal caused by methods with 'pointer' parameter

Inherit from a class that has the copy constructor deleted

Inconsistent behavior of MSVC vs. GCC with sizeof

Braced functional cast to reference type, a hole in the standard or compilers bug?

Why this behavior on clang -O3?

Can a throw or delete expression ever be dependent?

(Default) construct an object for every variadic type

Why do e += 1 and e = e + 1 compile differently in CoffeeScript?

operator new inside namespace

Warning C4701 is sometimes suppressed when compiling with /RTC1

c++ visual-c++ compiler-bug cl

Is invocable and ambiguous call: bug in either g++ or clang

Dangerous error Visual c++ 2005

Const overload unexpectedly called in gcc. Compiler bug or compatibility fix?

Lambda Works on Latest Visual Studio, but Doesn't Work Elsewhere

VB.NET Iterator Function Loses Local Variables

Forward-declaration of a `constexpr` function inside another function -- Compiler bug?

AspectJ compiler bug leads to StackOverflowError

A bug in GCC implementation of bit-fields

Clang claims that `member reference base type 'X' is not a structure or union`, but X is a structure template with deduced parameters