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New posts in compiler-bug

Constructing (but not destucting) an object of a class with a deleted or non-user-provided private destructor

Compiler variance for ambiguous copy-assignment from empty-braces

64-bit pointer subtraction, signed integer underflow, and a possible compiler bug?

Why does gcc, with -O3, unnecessarily clear a local ARM NEON array?

c gcc arm64 neon compiler-bug

Zero initialization of POD

VC++ using fp:fast causes wrong (not just inaccurate) results - is this a compiler bug?

Clang fails to find const template member function from base class

c++ c++11 gcc clang compiler-bug

How is value returned by lambda using a static local wrong in MSVC2017 15.9.3 with /std:c++17?

Why SFINAE gets messed up when changing the place of the class template specialization? Is this a C++ bug?

Processing of uninstantiated template functions

Delphi XE byte array index

Invoking constructors during virtual inheritance with C++

Mixing Out and Named Parameters in C#: Why Does Out Parameter Need to be Named As Well?

template argument '(type)0' does not match 'EnumValue'

c++ c++11 g++ compiler-bug

Why does this covariance declaration compile? [duplicate]

c# covariance compiler-bug

Nested lambda expressions are very slow to compile and generate huge object file by Visual C++

Scala implicit conversion is applying under some conditions but not others

`if constexpr`, inside lambda, inside pack expansion -- compiler bug?

C++: Strange "is private" error

Potential bug in Visual Studio C compiler or in Intel Intrinsics' AVX2 "_mm256_set_epi64x" function