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New posts in code-analysis

Why does Code Analysis not warn about NotImplementedException?

FxCop custom rules don't have a name in VS2012 (but "official" rules have a name)

CA2227 and ASP.NET Model Binding

Referencing a custom code analysis rule library using a ruleset file

Any reason not to enable CODE_ANALYSIS in production builds?

c# code-analysis fxcop

Add a parameter to a method with a Roslyn CodeFixProvider

Javascript code analysis and best practices

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Tell pydev to exclude an entire package from analysis?

code-analysis pydev

.net - Howto analyze how many different code paths are in a method

Activate Code Analysis by default for every project in Visual Studio 2012

Warning C26454: Arithmetic overflow: '-' operation produces a negative unsigned result at compile time (io.5)

What article discusses "Viewing code from 10000 feet"?

refactoring code-analysis

Code Anlysis Rule CA2000 / CA2202

c# code-analysis stylecop

Code Analysis - CA1704: Correct the spelling of 'Ps'

phploc output explanation

Visual Studio: Suppress warnings for all files in a namespace [duplicate]

Enforcing side effects in python

static and dynamic code analysis

CA1001 Visual Studio 2012 Code Analysis warning. What does it mean?

Applying multiple changes to a solution in roslyn

c# code-analysis roslyn