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date: invalid date ‘2018-10-21 +1 day’

linux bash date ubuntu

Having trouble with Ubuntu .profile and .bashrc

How to automatically create a Sentry release and upload source-maps to Sentry in a react project?

Read a property from a maven POM in a bash script (Linux)

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Power of a power in bash with bc

bash math bc

How do I loop over multiple wildcards simultaneously in bash?

bash shell for-loop wildcard

How do I set an environment variable in the shebang (#!) of a script that will be run by Bash?

bash unix

Parameter expansion with double caret ^^

How can I get multiple bash background scripts, spawned from one initial startup script to log on the correct line of the terminal?

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bash - nested EOF

bash shell heredoc

Is there an easy way to reverse pretty print of json in vim?

symfony server:start command throwing an error

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jq error "object is not valid in a csv row"

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mvn command returns: [ERROR] The goal you specified requires a project to execute but there is no POM in this directory

bash maven maven-archetype

Running bash jobs in parallel with predefined order prioritization

bash shell gnu-parallel

remove control characters from string using TR

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Unix Shell - Why are the same $RANDOM numbers repeated?

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Insert an element at a certain index in Bash


Substitute environment variable in all files when kubectl apply-ing

remove duplicateds words for multiple strings in bash

bash awk sed