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New posts in bc

Power of a power in bash with bc

bash math bc

using negative exponents with bc in Bash

bash exponent bc

modify value's in CSV with bash-script

bash csv sh bc

bash command to sum and print each element of a column and print a new column

bash sed awk bc

Unique Identifier for certificate Issuer (X509Name)

round up the bc scale instead of round down with scale or printf [duplicate]

bash shell expression sh bc

Difference between printf %.3f and bc rounding behavior

bash printf bc

How to disable line breaks in bc?

bash line-breaks bc

how to pipe bc-calculation into shell variable

linux shell variables bc

ASN.1 Encoding-Decoding

java c openssl asn.1 bc

BC command not working in CYGWIN

cygwin bc

Bash programmation (Cygwin): Illegal Character ^M [duplicate]

windows bash cygwin bc

bc: get the sum of a list of num

unix bc

bc and its ibase/obase options:

base bc

Pipe output to bc calculator

c bash pipe bc

bash, bc modulo does not work with -l flag

bash bc

DDD - Bounded Contexts and Multiple Models?

domain-driven-design bc

bc arithmetic Error

Bitwise operations in BC?

binary bit-manipulation bc

Rounding Numbers with bc in Bash

linux bash bc