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New posts in gnu-parallel

How to use rsync instead of scp in my below shell script to copy the files?

Getting syntax error using awk in parallel processing

Running bash jobs in parallel with predefined order prioritization

bash shell gnu-parallel

How to use GNU parallel with find -exec?

How to Install GNU Parallel on Windows 10 using git-bash

File I/O in gnu parallel

Is there a way to run one job many times using GNU parallel?


Calling GNU parallel from GNU parallel

shell gnu-parallel

Grepping a single regular expression for a very large file

regex xml bash gnu-parallel

GNU parallel output progress while output to file

tracking status/progress in gnu parallel

bash gnu-parallel

GNU parallel show jobs remaining

GNU parallel - keep output colored

colors gnu-parallel

GNU Parallel: how to pass job id to command


How to lint all the files recursive while printing out only files that have an error?

php bash gnu-parallel phplint

Executing GNU Parallel within a script

BASH...GNU Parallel

GNU parallel: does -k (keep output order) affect speed?

parallel check md5 file

bash gnu-parallel md5sum

Run a specifiable number of commands in parallel - contrasting xargs -P, GNU parallel, and "moreutils" parallel