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How to use rsync instead of scp in my below shell script to copy the files?

I am using scp to copy the files in parallel using GNU parallel with my below shell script and it is working fine.

I am not sure how can I use rsync in place of scp in my below shell script. I am trying to see whether rsync will have better performance as compared to scp or not in terms of transfer speed.

Below is my problem description -

I am copying the files from machineB and machineC into machineA as I am running my below shell script on machineA.

If the files is not there in machineB then it should be there in machineC for sure so I will try copying the files from machineB first, if it is not there in machineB then I will try copying the same files from machineC.

I am copying the files in parallel using GNU Parallel library and it is working fine. Currently I am copying five files in parallel both for PRIMARY and SECONDARY.

Below is my shell script which I have -


export PRIMARY=/test01/primary
export SECONDARY=/test02/secondary
readonly FILERS_LOCATION=(machineB machineC)
PRIMARY_PARTITION=(550 274 2 546 278) # this will have more file numbers
SECONDARY_PARTITION=(1643 1103 1372 1096 1369 1568) # this will have more file numbers

export dir3=/testing/snapshot/20140103

do_Copy() {
  scp david@$FILERS_LOCATION_1:$dir3/new_weekly_2014_"$el"_200003_5.data $PRIMSEC/. || scp david@$FILERS_LOCATION_2:$dir3/new_weekly_2014_"$el"_200003_5.data $PRIMSEC/.
export -f do_Copy

parallel --retries 10 -j 5 do_Copy {} $PRIMARY ::: "${PRIMARY_PARTITION[@]}" &
parallel --retries 10 -j 5 do_Copy {} $SECONDARY ::: "${SECONDARY_PARTITION[@]}" &

echo "All files copied."

Is there any way of replacing my above scp command with rsync but I still want to copy 5 files in parallel both for PRIMARY and SECONDARY simultaneously?

like image 509
john Avatar asked Feb 13 '23 22:02


1 Answers

rsync is designed to efficiently synchronise two hierarchies of folders and files.

While it can be used to transfer individual files, it won't help you very much used like that, unless you already have a version of the file at each end with small differences between them. Running multiple instances of rsync in parallel on individual files within a hierarchy defeats the purpose of the tool.

While triplee is right that your task is I/O-bound rather than CPU-bound, and so parallelizing the tasks won't help in the typical case whether you're using rsync or scp, there is one circumstance in which parallelizing network transfers can help: if the sender is throttling requests. In that case, there may be some value to running an instance of rsync for each of a number of different folders, but it would complicate your code, and you'd have to profile both solutions to discover whether you were actually getting any benefit.

In short: just run a single instance of rsync; any performance increase you're going to get from another approach is unlikely to be worth it.

like image 174
Zero Piraeus Avatar answered Feb 15 '23 10:02

Zero Piraeus