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New posts in gnu-parallel

How to run grep in parallel on single lines from a list

bash grep gnu-parallel

parallel grep pattern multiple files

bash append file from multiple thread

How to execute one command in multiples directories using "GNU parallel"?


GNU Parallel - redirect output to a file with a specific name

linux bash gnu-parallel

split STDIN to multiple files (and compress them if possible)

file split stdin gnu-parallel

Parallel Iterating IP Addresses in Bash

linux bash curl gnu-parallel

GNU parallel with rsync

Split up text and process in parallel

How can I stop gnu parallel jobs when any one of them terminates?


GNU Parallel: split file into children

gnu parallel: Prefix output with hostname(s)

Why are 5 jobs run with GNU Parallel --jobs 4 option in the tutorial?


GNU parallel with variable sequence?

bash gnu-parallel

gnu parallel to parallelize a for loop

How to do large file parallel encryption using GnuPG and GNU parallel?

GNU parallel --jobs option using multiple nodes on cluster with multiple cpus per node

hpc gnu-parallel

Why would gnu parallel chunking improve gzip's compression size?

Inheriting environment variables with GNU Parallel

How to feed a large array of commands to GNU Parallel?