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Parallel Iterating IP Addresses in Bash

I'm dealing with a large private /8 network and need to enumerate all webservers which are listening on port 443 and have a specific version stated in their HTTP HEADER response.

First I was thinking to run nmap with connect scans and grep myself through the output files, but this turned out to throw many false-positives where nmap stated a port to be "filtered" while it actually was "open" (used connect scans: nmap -sT -sV -Pn -n -oA foo -p 443).

So now I was thinking to script something with bash and curl - pseudo code would be like:

for each IP in  
    curl --head https://{IP}:443 | grep -iE "(Server\:\ Target)" > {IP}_info.txt;  

As I'm not that familiar with bash I'm not sure how to script this properly - I would have to:

  • loop through all IPs
  • make sure that only X threats run in parallel
  • ideally cut the output to only note down the IP of the matching host in one single file
  • ideally make sure that only matching server versions are noted down

Any suggestion or pointing into a direction is highly appreciated.

like image 498
skrskrskr Avatar asked Aug 20 '14 08:08


People also ask

How do I run a parallel script?

To run script in parallel in bash, you must send individual scripts to background. So the loop will not wait for the last process to exit and will immediately process all the scripts.

How add multiple IP address in Linux?

To add multiple persistent IP addresses to your network card, you need to edit the /etc/network/interfaces configuration file. To add an IP address, the syntax is pretty simple, as depicted below. To add multiple IP addresses, just type the syntax, adding more IP addresses as shown in the following example.

2 Answers

Small Scale - iterate

for a smaller IP address span it would probably be recommended to iterate like this:

for ip in 192.168.1.{1..10}; do ...

As stated in this similar question.

Big Scale - parallel !

Given that your problem deals with a huge IP address span you should probably consider a different approach.

This begs for the use of gnu parallel.

Parallel iterating a big span of IP addresses in bash using gnu parallel requires splitting the logic to several files (for the parallel command to use).



set -e

function ip_to_int()
  local IP="$1"
  local A=$(echo $IP | cut -d. -f1)
  local B=$(echo $IP | cut -d. -f2)
  local C=$(echo $IP | cut -d. -f3)
  local D=$(echo $IP | cut -d. -f4)
  local INT

  INT=$(expr 256 "*" 256 "*" 256 "*" $A)
  INT=$(expr 256 "*" 256 "*" $B + $INT)
  INT=$(expr 256 "*" $C + $INT)
  INT=$(expr $D + $INT)

  echo $INT

function int_to_ip()
  local INT="$1"

  local D=$(expr $INT % 256)
  local C=$(expr '(' $INT - $D ')' / 256 % 256)
  local B=$(expr '(' $INT - $C - $D ')' / 65536 % 256)
  local A=$(expr '(' $INT - $B - $C - $D ')' / 16777216 % 256)

  echo "$A.$B.$C.$D"



set -e

source ip2int

if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
    echo "Usage: $(basename "$0") ip_address_number"
    exit 1

CONNECT_TIMEOUT=2 # in seconds
IP_ADDRESS="$(int_to_ip ${1})"

set +e
data=$(curl --head -vs -m ${CONNECT_TIMEOUT} https://${IP_ADDRESS}:443 2>&1)
data=$(echo -e "${data}" | grep "Server: ")
     # wasn't sure what are you looking for in your servers
set -e

if [[ ${exit_code} -eq 0 ]]; then
    if [[ -n "${data}" ]]; then
        echo "${IP_ADDRESS} - ${data}"
        echo "${IP_ADDRESS} - Got empty data for server!"
    echo "${IP_ADDRESS} - no server."



set -e

source ip2int

NUM_OF_ADDRESSES="16777216" # 256 * 256 * 256

start_address_num=$(ip_to_int ${START_ADDRESS})
end_address_num=$(( start_address_num + NUM_OF_ADDRESSES ))

seq ${start_address_num} ${end_address_num} | parallel -P0 ./scan_ip

# This parallel call does the same as this:
# for ip_num in $(seq ${start_address_num} ${end_address_num}); do
#     ./scan_ip ${ip_num}
# done
# only a LOT faster!

Improvement from the iterative approach:

The run time of the naive for loop (which is estimated to take 200 days for 256*256*256 addresses) was improved to under a day according to @skrskrskr.

like image 101
Arnon Zilca Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 02:09

Arnon Zilca


mycurl() {
    curl --head https://${1}:443 | grep -iE "(Server\:\ Target)" > ${1}_info.txt;  
export -f mycurl
parallel -j0 --tag mycurl {1}.{2}.{3}.{4} ::: {10..10} ::: {0..255} ::: {0..255} ::: {0..255}

Slightly different using --tag instead of many _info.txt-files:

parallel -j0 --tag curl --head https://{1}.{2}.{3}.{4}:443 ::: {10..10} ::: {0..255} ::: {0..255} ::: {0..255} | grep -iE "(Server\:\ Target)" > info.txt

Fan out to run more than 500 in parallel:

parallel echo {1}.{2}.{3}.{4} ::: {10..10} ::: {0..255} ::: {0..255} ::: {0..255} | \
  parallel -j100 --pipe -N1000 --load 100% --delay 1 parallel -j250 --tag -I ,,,, curl --head https://,,,,:443 | grep -iE "(Server\:\ Target)" > info.txt

This will spawn up to 100*250 jobs, but will try to find the optimal number of jobs where there is no idle time for any of the CPUs. On my 8 core system that is 7500. Make sure you have RAM enough to run the potential max (25000 in this case).

like image 35
Ole Tange Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 02:09

Ole Tange