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New posts in avx2

Packing and de-interleaving two __m256 registers

c++ x86 simd avx avx2

Fallback implementation for conflict detection in AVX2

c++ x86 intrinsics avx2 avx512

Why both? vperm2f128 (avx) vs vperm2i128 (avx2)

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Where is VPERMB in AVX2?

assembly x86 intel sse avx2

Is it possible to use SIMD instructions in Rust?

rust simd avx avx2

is there an inverse instruction to the movemask instruction in intel avx2?

x86 intrinsics avx avx2 icc

Fastest Implementation of Exponential Function Using AVX

x86 simd avx exponential avx2

Get sum of values stored in __m256d with SSE/AVX

c++ optimization sse avx avx2

What's the fastest way to perform an arbitrary 128/256/512 bit permutation using SIMD instructions?

c++ assembly sse avx avx2

8 bit shift operation in AVX2 with shifting in zeros

c sse simd avx avx2

Disabling AVX2 in CPU for testing purposes

Why are some Haswell AVX latencies advertised by Intel as 3x slower than Sandy Bridge?

What's the difference between vextracti128 and vextractf128?

x86 simd avx avx2

Why does storing to and loading from an AVX2 256bit vector have different results in debug and release mode? [duplicate]

Aligned and unaligned memory access with AVX/AVX2 intrinsics

gcc avx avx2

What's the fastest stride-3 gather instruction sequence?

c++ x86 vectorization avx2

How to clear the upper 128 bits of __m256 value?

c x86 simd avx avx2

Load address calculation when using AVX2 gather instructions

x86 sse simd avx2

Can I use the AVX FMA units to do bit-exact 52 bit integer multiplications?

floating-point x86 simd avx2 fma

Scatter intrinsics in AVX

intrinsics avx avx2