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Whats the reverse function of x XOR (x/2)?

Scientific Programming with Ruby

Is fromInteger supposed to be a ring homomorphism?

haskell algebra

Determining coefficient of x^m term in (x^2 + x + 1)^n is even or odd

Initial algebra for rose trees

Books & resources to teach myself Linear Algebra [closed]

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How to set up quadratic equation for a ray/sphere intersection?

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Finite Field Linear Algebra Library for Haskell

Writing generic instances for Fix/Mu in F-algebras

Wanting to write a raytracer, stuck on what algebra library to use (C++)

c++ raytracing algebra

Does the functionality of Grouping operator `()` in JavaScript differ from Haskell or other programming languages?

I'm curious if Logic Programs can do algebra

How could I implement logical implication with bitwise or other efficient code in C?

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What is a formula to get a vector perpendicular to another vector?

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Math.Pow() vs Math.Exp() C# .Net

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How to make catamorphisms work with parameterized/indexed types?

Can I model a list of successes with short circuiting failure via the composition of applicative functors?

Simplify Regular Expression in Mathematica

How can I remove a column from a sparse matrix efficiently?

C# library for algebra simplification and solving [closed]