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android gradle abi

ARM: Why do I need to push/pop two registers at function calls?

If I jump out of a catch-block with "goto", am I guaranteed that the exception-object will be free'ed?

Android NDK : what should I set in Application.mk for APP_ABI?

android android-ndk x86 arm abi

In C++, does overriding an existing virtual function break ABI?

Is it valid to write below ESP?

How do vararg functions find out the number of arguments in machine code?

Why is stack memory allocated when it is not used?

ABI Register Names for RISC-V Calling Convention

GCC/Clang x86_64 C++ ABI mismatch when returning a tuple?

g++ always backward-compatible with "older" static libraries?

C++ on x86-64: when are structs/classes passed and returned in registers?

Is the Java Native Interface (JNI) affected by C++ ABI compatibility issues?

ARM to C calling convention, NEON registers to save

arm neon abi

How does adding a private member variable break C++ ABI compatibility?

Why "long int" has same size as "int"? Does this modifier works at all?

c++ c types long-integer abi

Is it safe to package C++11 software on current Linux distributions?

ARM C++ ABI: Constructor/destructor return values

c++ arm abi

Difference between arm-none-eabi and arm-linux-gnueabi?

linux embedded abi toolchain

Will 'Guaranteed Copy Elision' (P0135, C++1z) potentially require ABI breakage?