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New posts in software-distribution

Converting a .jar into a Mac OS X app [closed]

Help me out choosing a software license [closed]

How to distribute keys securely with binaries in .NET?

Distribute CSS with a React component

How do I package a node web-kit app for publishing in mac app store?

How to distribute a ROS package without sharing the sources

How easy is it to make a Linux distribution? [closed]

Using Maven for project distribution

Clean application deployment when using Composer

Cythonize but not compile .pyx files using setup.py

Add OpenGL libraries to software package

Distribute Python applications "with" a venv

How do I change unixStartScriptGenerator.template in the createStartScripts task so that distTar uses my custom template file in build.gradle?

How to publish header files with template implementations?

Java licensing for commercial distribution [closed]

Recommended way to distribute Halide generated functions?

iOS: How to release an app for a limited number of users?

Is there a mechanism to distribute an app with its own JRE?