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New posts in .net-3.5

DataContractSerializer: Handling objects whose type you don't know and don't have access to

Do I really need to write this "SerializationHelper"?

c# .net-3.5 serialization

How dynamic can I make my LINQ To SQL Statements?

Changing where a resource is pulled during runtime?

How to latebind COM event without interface

MSBuild fails where VS2010/2013 succeeded - Mixed 3.5 and 4.0 - Why?

Is this the most efficient way to express this XDocument query?

c# xml .net-3.5 linq-to-xml

FormatProvider vs. extension method vs. new class

FileUpload .net control and saving files to virtual folder on remote file server

Using named pipes asynchronously with StreamWriter

c# .net .net-3.5 named-pipes

Why is ASP.NET trying to generate a temporary class for a Web Service reference?

Adjust the Visibility property of a View not working

wpf xaml .net-3.5 visibility

To .Take() or not to .Take(), that is the question

.net linq .net-3.5 ienumerable

Setup Project is not correctly registering assembly in GAC

Simplest way to construct a string by interpolating values into a Regex pattern?

regex string .net-3.5

Are Linq-To-Sql Dynamic-Where-Clauses Even Possible in Framework 3.5?

Convert BitmapImage to grayscale, and keep alpha channel

c# .net wpf .net-3.5

"DataBinding: 'index+NewsItem' does not contain a property with the name 'Link'", but property exists (Not a Typo)

c# .net asp.net .net-3.5

Why are DispatcherObject.CheckAccess() and VerifyAccess() hidden from Intellisense?

.net-3.5 intellisense

Is returning an IEnumerable<> thread-safe?

c# .net-3.5 thread-safety