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New posts in .net-3.5

Call/Invoke a method based on a string value contained in an array [duplicate]

c# .net-3.5 methods

Converting one XML document into another XML document

c# xml linq .net-3.5

Is there a built-in way to compare IEnumerable<T> (by their elements)?

c# .net .net-3.5 comparator

How to check business days in c#

c# .net .net-3.5

Getting "no implicit conversion between '<null>' and 'System.DateTime'" error message [closed]

How to detect if an aspx page was called from Server.Execute?

.net asp.net .net-3.5

How to stop one thread until n threads have completed their work

Learning about Auto-Implemented Properties

How can i sort Generic list with Linq?

Sending String Directly to printer [duplicate]

Thread-safe asynchronous code in C#

Is this a standard DateTime format?

c# datetime .net-3.5

Facebook SDK C# - get friends list

Find a file in the parent folders with msbuild

.net-3.5 msbuild

Generics & Inheritance: What am I doing wrong here?

How many specified chars are in a string?

c# .net-3.5 string