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Is there a built-in way to compare IEnumerable<T> (by their elements)?

I would like to compare lists of elements of a given type, to see which list is "bigger".

new BuiltInComparer<IEnumerable<int>>().Compare(
    new[] {3,2,3}, 
    new[] {1,2,3})

...would return 1

new BuiltInComparer<IEnumerable<int>>().Compare(
    new[] {1,2,3}, 
    new[] {1,2,4})

...would return -1 etc

Is there any such built in comparer?

like image 716
Cristian Diaconescu Avatar asked Dec 03 '22 12:12

Cristian Diaconescu

1 Answers

I don't think there's anything built into the framework - and as Eric says, you haven't provided the comparison criteria. If you mean "compare element-wise in the natural way, and assume a 'missing' element is smaller than any present element" (i.e. a longer sequence beats a shorter subsequence if they're equal where possible) then something like this would do it:

public int SequenceCompare<T>(IEnumerable<T> source1, IEnumerable<T> source2)
    // TODO: Parameter validation :)
    // You could add an overload with this as a parameter
    IComparer<T> elementComparer = Comparer<T>.Default;       
    using (IEnumerator<T> iterator1 = source1.GetEnumerator())
    using (IEnumerator<T> iterator2 = source2.GetEnumerator())
        while (true)
            bool next1 = iterator1.MoveNext();
            bool next2 = iterator2.MoveNext();
            if (!next1 && !next2) // Both sequences finished
                return 0;
            if (!next1) // Only the first sequence has finished
                return -1;
            if (!next2) // Only the second sequence has finished
                return 1;
            // Both are still going, compare current elements
            int comparison = elementComparer.Compare(iterator1.Current,
            // If elements are non-equal, we're done
            if (comparison != 0)
                return comparison;
like image 154
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Jan 12 '23 00:01

Jon Skeet