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XML Validation error: The element is not declared

c# xml xsd xml-validation

XSD Visualization?

xml xsd

XML/XSD White spaces are required between publicId and systemId

How to indicate that an xml schema that requires schema 1.1 features?

xml xsd xsd-1.1

XML schema restriction pattern for not allowing empty strings

regex xsd

log4j:WARN Document root element "log4j:configuration", must match DOCTYPE root "null"

xml log4j xsd doctype

Difference between xsd:key and xsd:unique

xml xsd

Maven Jaxb2 xjc plugin error No schemas have been found

maven xsd jaxb2

XML & XSD validation failed: Element has both a 'type' attribute and a 'anonymous type' child

xml xslt xml-parsing xsd

XML Schema to match the following ("all", with unbounded maxOccurs?)


Creating a specific XML document using namespaces in C#

c# xml namespaces xsd

C# NLog; Cannot find NLog.xsd file

c# xsd nlog

How to get XmlSchema object from XSD which is string in C#?

c# xml string xsd

JAXB XJC - XPath evaluation results in empty target node?

java xpath xsd jaxb xjc

How to use SAXParseException effectively in Java

Why did changing my target framework from ".NET Framework 4 Client Profile" to ".NET framework 4" give me warning messages?

XSD key/keyref: hierarchical key structure

xml schema xsd

Free XSD to DTD conversion utility?

xsd dtd converters

How to handle different versions of xsd files in one java application?

java xml xsd jaxb

Default build action for a filetype

c# visual-studio-2008 xsd