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Could not find or load main class com.sun.tools.internal.xjc.Driver

java intellij-idea xsd jaxb

In Java, how do I parse an xml schema (xsd) to learn what's valid at a given element?

java xsd

Java JaxB generation, How do I get a bigDecimal from my xsd?

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How can I correctly modify a generated XSD to overcome a known .Net bug that causes exception "cs0030:Unable to generate a temporary class"

Xml schema extension order

xml inheritance xsd

Error: It was detected that 'sites' has no namespace, but components with no target namespace are not referenceable from schema document

How to specify an XSD schemaLocation attribute in VS when the referenced schema file is in a different project/assembly?

xml visual-studio xsd

Pojo to xsd generation

java xml xsd pojo

Validate XML instance document against WSDL

validation xsd wsdl

XML Validation against XSD in PHP libxml

php xml xsd domdocument libxml2

JAXB/XJC generates JAXBElement<String> rather than just String (to handle null case)

java xml jaxb xsd

.xsd is not a part of this compilation. Is this a mistake for .xjb

java xsd

Validating XML: No matching global declaration available for the validation root

ruby xml xsd libxml2

Content restriction and attribute validation on the same element in XSD

attributes xsd restriction

What is the difference between IDREF and IDREFS in XSD?

xml xsd

How to add the same attribute multiple times to an Element Tag in XML

xml xsd schema

Anyone that has a partial XSD that describes the METADATA section of Delphi TClientDataSet XML files?

xml delphi xsd tclientdataset

Is there a way to enforce/preserve order of XML elements in an XML Schema?

xml xsd

XSD attribute NILLABLE not working

xml xsd xsd-validation

XML Schema: replacing imports with corresponding schema

java xml xsd