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Any Java "API" to generate Sample XML from XSD?

java xml xsd

Jersey WADL: How do you rename generated XSDs

java xsd jersey wadl

Which Framework, Tool or Plugin mandates the hardcoded 'database.xsd' filename?

JAXB workaround for Chameleon XSD imports?

java xml xsd jaxb

Is it possible to define a root element in an XML Document using Schema?

xml xsd

cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'MarkupListURI'. One of '{MarkupDeleteURI}' is expected

Apache XmlBeans NullPointerException

Can a single XML schema have multiple targetNameSpaces?

xml xsd namespaces

How do you open XML Schema Explorer

xml visual-studio-2008 xsd

XML Schema - How can I change the name of a ref'ed element?

xml schema xsd

How to deal with JAXB ComplexType with MixedContent data?

java xml xsd jaxb xjc

Why Visual Studio doesn't like this XML schema? (Prefix '' cannot be mapped to namespace name reserved for "xml" or "xmlns")

Creating an XML Schema with attributes and elements contingent on other attributes

xml xsd

XML Schema to Java Classes with XJC

java xml xsd jaxb xjc

Restrict ID references to a particular element group

xml xsd

How to programmatically generate a trx file?

xml xsd trx

What is purpose of xsd:union in XML Schema (XSD)?

xml xsd

Create a Golang struct from an XSD

xml go xsd

Does the sequence schema element guarantee order of child elements?

xml schema xsd

Cannot generate classes because no top-level elements with complex type where found

xml xsd xsd.exe