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New posts in x86

Why does first parameter in x86 assembly starts from offset 8?

assembly x86 stdcall

What is the fastest way for a multithread SIMD operation explicitly?

AMD perf events

x86 perf amd-processor

x86 Assembly pushad/popad, How fast it is?

Branch prediction overhead of perfectly predicted branch

How many memory barriers instructions does an x86 CPU have?

Exclusive access to L1 cacheline on x86?

Force a migration of a cache line to another core

SSE integer 2^n powers of 2 for 32-bit integers without AVX2

c++ x86 sse simd intrinsics

Which instructions can produce a branch misprediction on x86 CPUs?

How can I override a system call table entry with my own function?

Why does the Linux Kernel copy implementation use the AC flag?

Why is /=2 different from >>=1 for signed integers, and compiles to different asm?

What is the difference between linear ,physical ,logical and virtual memory address?

Stack cleanup not working (__stdcall MASM function)

c assembly x86 masm stdcall

If I don't use fences, how long could it take a core to see another core's writes?

Writing an assembler , need help [closed]

What segment is used by default in x86 indirect addressing?

assembly x86

Writing a Linux int 80h system-call wrapper in GNU C inline assembly [duplicate]

When is sizeof(myPOD) too big for pass by value on x64?

c++ c x86 64-bit x86-64