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New posts in stdcall

Why does first parameter in x86 assembly starts from offset 8?

assembly x86 stdcall

Stack cleanup not working (__stdcall MASM function)

c assembly x86 masm stdcall

When using PInvoke, why use __stdcall?

Why isn't PInvoke crashing in case of violated calling convention (in .NET 3.5)?

Writing naked functions with custom prolog and epilog code in Visual Studio

Calling a function that can be either cdecl or stdcall

Calling Convention with a shared library for android

64-bit C++ passing functions with "different" calling conventions as parameters gives ambiguous error

Creating an MSVC import library from a DLL that uses stdcall

dll import visual-c++ stdcall

Plainly and simply, why do we use _stdcall?

how are structs passed as parameters in assembly

assembly x86 stdcall cdecl

Why did Microsoft define WINAPI, CALLBACK, and APIENTRY to all refer to __stdcall?

c winapi macros stdcall

In C++, do variadic functions (those with ... at the end of the parameter list) necessarily follow the __cdecl calling convention?

Why did Microsoft choose stdcall as their API convention?

VC++ prevent all symbol name decorations

Template partial specialization for __stdcall function pointer

Changing Calling Convention

Create a C# DLL That Can Be Imported in a Delphi App Using stdcall - Possible?

c# delphi delphi-2007 stdcall

Is there any equivalent for stdcall in GCC?

gcc assembly kernel stdcall