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New posts in windows-store-apps

VSTS - Error APPX0105: Cannot import the key file 'blah.pfx'. The key file may be password protected

Startup apps don't start until logging off and on

How to fix 'The available app icons include a default icon' when publishing an electron app to windows store?

What's the equivalent for SecureString in WinRT?

How can I monitor a folder for changes in the background of a Windows App?

How to does WindowsRT Data-binding do type conversion without TypeConverterAttribute

In WinRT C# how do I save an offscreen XAML tree using RenderTargetBitmap?

Creating custom virtualized controls in WinRT/UWP

Windows 8 Store - Debug App Downloaded from store

XAML Designer Error - Intellisense Missing

Explicit "Mode=Twoway" is required for Toggleswitch

Detect if web app is running as PWA through the Microsoft Store

No P2P in Windows Metro applications?

C++ equivalent of .NET's Task.Delay?

Behaviors missing in Blend and VS2013 for XAML project but present in Javascript project

Focussing a WebView after a MessageDialog is closed

How can I sign my Windows Store app from Window Store certificate?

Can msbuild create an .appxbundle for multiple platforms?

WinRt WebView control handling navigation within the control

Page constructor gets called again when navigating back in Windows 8 C# App