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New posts in p2p

What's the advantage of symmetric NAT (as far as ISP is concerned)?

webrtc p2p nat

wcf net.p2p:// - does this work over the internet?

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Why does Kademlia structure its routing table how it does?

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How do I discover peers and send messages in JXTA-JXSE 2.6?

java p2p jxta

Connecting two devices using libgdx

Peer-to-Peer CUDA transfers

cuda p2p nvidia bandwidth pci-e

c# peer-to-peer networking - getting around routers

c# networking p2p

Direct TCP/IP connections in P2P apps

networking tcp p2p

Does google wallet offer an api to send money from person to person and/or mass pay?

api paypal p2p dwolla masspay

How to test iphone p2p aplications?

Peer-to-Peer 1080p live streaming using WebRTC/Alternative?

How to connect to a host with peerjs?

How to robustly, but minimally, distribute items across a peer-to-peer system

How to implement a WCF NetPeerTcpBinding PeerResolver

wcf p2p

What are the best papers for learning about algorithms for communicating updates in a distributed system?

UDP hole-punching: testability on single machine

c# p2p udpclient

P2P overlay networks since 2001?

networking p2p dht

How to make connection over WiFi when working with Gamekit?

ios wifi p2p gamekit

How can I detect clock skew among nodes in Azure roles?