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New posts in azure-worker-roles

Azure worker role getting stuck in Role state Unknown

azure azure-worker-roles

Unable to load certificate instance from within Azure Worker Role

azure azure-worker-roles

Windows Azure - background/scheduled tasks?

External HTTP endpoint in Azure worker role possible?

How Does Azure Interrupt a Worker Role For Deployment?

azure azure-worker-roles

BrokeredMessage Deseralization comes with unwanted String

Azure worker role - background tasks schedule

What causes "Role Instances are taking longer than expected" error with Azure SDK 2.4?

WaWorkerHost.exe crashes role: CallbackException

WorkerRole log4net Trace appender logs not appearing in output window

How can I detect clock skew among nodes in Azure roles?

Scalable SignalR + Azure - where to put SignalR, and should I be using Azure Queues?

Can a Worker Role process call Antimalware for Azure Cloud Services programmatically?

azure azure-worker-roles

Timeout on SqlBulkCopy in Azure

Diagnostics configuration for Azure Deployment throws an error

Azure Workerrole lifecycle

azure azure-worker-roles

Prevent Azure from Stopping Worker While Processing

c# azure azure-worker-roles

Access internet on Azure VM

azure azure-worker-roles

Is Azure Worker Role for an on-premise solution available through Windows Azure Pack or App Fabric