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New posts in azure-worker-roles

Entity Framework's DbContext Lifetime in Worker Role

How to run Azure worker role locally without running them from within Visual Studio

What's the concept of *worker role* in Windows Azure cloud?

azure azure-worker-roles

Will Azure ever run 2 instances of my worker role?

azure azure-worker-roles

Azure Worker Role - Using OnStart() vs. Constructor for Once Only Initialization

Azure inter-role synchronization

Windows Azure Role Unresponsive

How to test RoleEnvironment.Changing event on Azure local emulator?

azure azure-worker-roles

Window Azure Deploying Cloud Services with A6 vmsize

azure azure-worker-roles

Catching an exception in an Azure Worker Role's onStart method?

Quartz.Net Jobs in Azure WebRole

azure azure-worker-roles

Is there a way to use Slow Cheetah to transform app.config in Azure Worker Role?

Receiving multiple messages from Queue without a loop

Can I host WebRole and WorkerRole in same CloudService?

Azure Tools cannot read Service Definition File

Azure Roles and Instances

The type initializer for 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime.RoleEnvironment' threw an exception

Deploying Multiple Web Roles and Worker Roles on a Single Azure Cloud Service

Why Host WCF Service in Worker Role