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New posts in azure-cloud-services

How do I hide my Storage and SQL connection strings using Azure Cloud Services?

Anyone know good rule of thumb for what's in .CSDEF versus .CSCFG?

Transform ServiceDefinition.csdef

Static IP for Cloud Service on Azure [closed]

How to download files from Azure Blob Storage with a Download Link

Supporting .net version 4.6 or higher in azure cloud service

Move a Microsoft Azure VM to a Different Subnet Within a vNet

Umbraco 7.0.2 on Azure Cloud Service - Access to the path 'E:\sitesroot\1\config\applications.config' is denied

Updated to VS 2015, Azure 2.7, publish fails 'Access to path ... denied'

Reserved IP for Azure Cloud Service doesn't persist

'pvk2pfx.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command in command promt

MVC5 published to Azure as cloud service redirects to localhost:44300 after AD sign-in

How to catch "A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (:)" to avoid web role crash?

Why does New-AzureReservedIP return ResourceNotFound: No deployments were found?

Does running multiple Azure Cloud Service (Web Role) instances need a Load Balancer?

Avoid deleting files on Azure Cloud Service publish

invalid service definition or service configuration