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New posts in azure-worker-roles

How do I host an Azure worker role locally/on premise?

c# azure azure-worker-roles

Can websites published to Azure have worker roles?

WebRole and WorkerRole Templates Missing in VS 2015

How does Azure check the WorkerRole's status?

azure azure-worker-roles

Azure cloud service - Does VIP swap cause OnStop() to be invoked?

azure azure-worker-roles

Programmatically spawn new instances of a worker role

HostingEnviornment.QueueBackgroundWorkItem is not working in azure worker role

MongoDB on Azure: VM or Worker role?

ServiceBus RetryExponential Property Meanings

Azure vs WCF vs ASP.NET vs ... How does it fit together?

azure azure-worker-roles

How many roles can you have per Azure instance

Facading Azure storage blob with sFTP service

Restarting Azure Worker role "WaWorkerHost.exe" manually

c# azure azure-worker-roles

Error while publishing worker role in VS 2013: There was an error reflecting type 'Microsoft.Cct.AzureDiagnostics.ObjectModel.PublicConfig'

How do I debug a Worker Role using Remote Desktop with Windows Azure?

Multiple worker roles on the same instance

azure azure-worker-roles

Azure Diagnostics not working in my Worker Role