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New posts in azure-diagnostics

WorkerRole log4net Trace appender logs not appearing in output window

Why doesn't Windows Azure Diagnostics reliably log?

azure azure-diagnostics

Azure SDK, Trace.Information and WADLogsTable

Diagnostics configuration for Azure Deployment throws an error

Azure Java Tomcat logging

Why does Visual Studio complain about my web.config trace listeners configuration?

DiagnosticMonitor in Azure Web Site

Azure deployment with and New Relic

Running With DiagnosticMonitorTraceListener Outside of Azure Compute Emulator

Turning On Diagnostics in Azure eats up transactions - MACommand.xml

Azure instances from 0 to 3 not writing diagnostics data in WadPerformanceCountersTable

c# azure azure-diagnostics

Windows Azure - "The configuration file is missing a diagnostic connection string for one or more roles"

azure azure-diagnostics

How to configure Azure logging after upgrading to ASP.NET Core 2.2

Cannot load imported module named 'Diagnostics.'

Why can't configure Azure diagnostics to use Azure Table Storage via new Azure Portal?

Enable Azure diagnostics logging using a CLI

Azure app service availability loss. The memory counter Page Reads/sec was at a dangerous level

Windows Azure - Cleaning Up The WADLogsTable