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New posts in web-services

Web Service built in C# to retrieve data from mySQL database

c# mysql web-services

RESTful Webservices on Google App Engine

Are JAXRS restful services prone to CSRF attack when content type negotiation is enabled?

web-services rest jax-rs csrf

Jax-WS - To Remove Empty Tags from Request XML

How to connect nginx to my java module

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Prestashop api - How to get the current cart contents

Problems calling webservice - javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException and class do not have a property of the name

java web-services xsd wsdl cxf

Consume REST Service in XPage

Calling Asmx From Android

Redirect http to https express.js

Notice Array to string conversion using nusoap

php web-services nusoap

What is SOA, Microservices, REST and Web Services "in plain English"?

Changing Port on HUG

Serve SOAP from ASP.NET Core web method

best way to persist data in .NET Web Service

Web Service returning object with null fields

c# .net wcf web-services

Is there a testing tool to test a C# .net web service that contains complex types?

c# .net web-services testing

Simple protocols (like twisted.pb) vs messaging (AMQP/JMS) vs web services (REST/SOAP)

Two-way syncing with iPhone and Web service

How to access a .Net web service from a Delphi Win32 application?