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New posts in web-services

Enum not getting serialized in WCF

c# web-services wcf

Hosting two WCF services using a single console app

Layered system constraint in REST API

Guaranteed sending of a request to a web service

How to Parse SoapFaultClientException in spring-ws

Use SOAP 1.2 with WebServiceGatewaySupport in Spring

java spring web-services soap

How much extra overhead is generated when sending a file over a web service as a byte array?

xml web-services

Protecting API Secret Keys in a Thick Client application

web-services security api

WCF Duplex Service and TCP Port Exhaustion

.net wcf web-services tcp duplex

Web service variable shared for the lifetime of the webservice?

XML Serialization - Missing Namespace Prefix at client end

Should I go with Tomcat or a full Java EE container?

How do I rename a file using the SharePoint web services?

Java Wrapper to Perl/Python code

Consume REST service with JME (or J2ME)

xml web-services rest java-me

Jquery DataTables plugin - sAjaxSource

When calling a asmx service via jQuery, how to pass arguments?

c# asp.net web-services asmx

Receive (and send) XML via POST with ASP.NET

Where to catch exceptions

Heroku + Logs Command :: Can Logs Detail can be increased at Heroku