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how to get a file's path by the name of the file [c#]

Xamarin Forms very slow build time on iOS from Visual Studio

Can't Publish Because of Intellisense Errors

Divide by zero with loop optimization VC++ 2015

How to prevent Visual Studio editor from jumping up or down a line while selecting text?

Opening WDK Projects results in "One or more errors occurred" message

why does the IS operator enters an IF statement when false?

T4 Template in VS 2015

t4 visual-studio-2015

Can we install VC++ 2015 Redistributable Package in custom location, where as non-administrator has rights to access?

How do I enable Intellitest in VisualStudio 2015 RC?

'Duplicate identifier' error when compiling typescript definition files to wwwroot folder

WDK, intellisense and C: "command-line error: exception handling option can be used only when compiling C++ driver"

XAML editor complains "Object does not match target type" for SharedResourceDictionary.Source

A Roslyn bug? On non-shared member, I'm getting error that I'm using 'shared member initializer'

Angular 2, Visual studio 2015 update 1, Type Script Configuration

Build:Unknown compiler option 'listemittedfiles'

Visual Studio 2015 tooltip color


The type or namespace name 'Linq' does not exist in the namespace 'System' [duplicate]

How can I Disable Lightbulb for Fully Qualified Usings in Visual Studio 2015?


How to resolve the conflict between 2 mscorlib versions in Visual Studio and Xamarin Studio?