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New posts in viewdidload

Swift 3 / Xcode 8.2 - switch view in viewDidLoad not working

viewDidLoad (and loadView) is not fired after the view controller is pushed into navigation controller

UIImageView blinking animation

perform selector after delay only called once

UITableView: load all cells

TableViewController's viewDidLoad not firing

Different subview layouts in viewDidLoad and viewWillAppear [duplicate]

Does viewDidload method call again on going back to a screen in navigation controller?

ios viewdidload

Is there any viewDidAppear method for UIView (not UIViewController)?

Does viewDidLoad get called more than once in UITabBarController?

Force Auto layout to update UIView frame correctly at viewDidLoad

What is the difference between dealloc and viewdidunload?

When to put into viewWillAppear and when to put into viewDidLoad?

CATransaction setting animation duration not working

iOS function to be called once (when application is initialized)

objective-c ios viewdidload

How do I detect an iPad's interfaceRotation at the start?

Set UITabBarItem title programmatically?

What are the differences between didFinishLaunchingWithOption and viewDidLoad

iphone viewdidload

iOS presentViewController doesn't invoke viewDidLoad