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New posts in viewdidload

When is viewDidLoad called?

ViewController Appears to Transition Twice

When I switch back and forth between views, my viewDidLoad is not being called a second time?

About viewController's "viewDidLoad" and "viewWillAppear" methods

Reload and not reload if press back from different view controllers. Swift

Difference between viewDidAppear, viewDidLoad in iPhone/iOS? [duplicate]

perform segue in viewDidLoad() without navigation controller in Swift

viewDidLoad is called twice

How to add an animation to the UIView in viewDidAppear?

initWithNibName VS viewDidLoad

objective-c viewdidload

Swift/iOS: IBOutlet nil after loading view controller

ios - Programmatically coded UIButton not showing on my view

ios uibutton viewdidload

Completion Handler is not working in viewDidLoad?

viewDidLoad in iOS 6 called once?

ios uikit ios6 viewdidload

instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier seems to call viewdidload

presentModalViewController in viewDidLoad on first launch

viewDidLoad and awakeFromNib timing

How to create global variable in Swift?

What is the difference between view controller life cycle and view life cycle in iOS?

How to set grey color background for UIActivityIndicator when loading on UIView in iOS