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Is there any viewDidAppear method for UIView (not UIViewController)?

I need to understand when UIView appears on the screen, so I need an analogue of the viewDidAppear method.

I found a UIView lifecycle:

  1. willMoveToSuperview
  2. invalidateIntrinsicContentSize
  3. didMoveToSuperview
  4. awakeFromNib
  5. willMoveToWindow
  6. needsUpdateConstraints
  7. didMoveToWindow
  8. setNeedsLayout
  9. updateConstraints
  10. layoutSubviews
  11. drawRect

I tried all of these methods, but I didn't get an answer.

like image 351
Alexander Galkin Avatar asked Dec 17 '18 06:12

Alexander Galkin

People also ask

What is difference between viewWillAppear and viewDidAppear?

The viewWillAppear method is called before loading the actual view. The viewDidAppear method is called when the view is already loaded, and you want to show something.

What is the difference between viewDidLoad and viewDidAppear?

The difference between viewDidAppear and viewDidLoad is that viewDidAppear is called every time you land on the screen while viewDidLoad is only called once which is when the app loads.

What is called after viewDidAppear?

viewDidAppear is called once you see the loaded view on screen. It is called after view appeared. ViewDidAppear is called everytime when you see the view after it is loaded. if you push and then pop any other viewController on that view then again viewDidAppear gets called.

Does viewDidLoad get called before viewWillAppear?

viewWillAppear(_:)Always called after viewDidLoad (for obvious reasons, if you think about it), and just before the view appears on the screen to the user, viewWillAppear is called.

2 Answers

No there is no viewDidAppear in UIView. you may override func drawRect to do any UI changes that you need on UIView inherited View.

SideNote - In case you want get drawrect to update at later times, Call setNeedsDisplay. setNeedsDisplaywill not immediately call drawRect but marks the receiver’s entire bounds rectangle as needing to be redrawn.

In other words - You should never call drawRect yourself. Instead, you tell the system that drawing needs to be done by using the setNeedsDisplay method, which marks the view as dirty. And the drawRect method of the subclass would then be called during the next update cycle.

As per the queries from OP(@Alexander), he just need to set some variable so it advisable to use any of the following override functions, depending on action need to be performed

  • -(void)didMoveToSuperview - sent immediately after the view is inserted into a view hierarchy.

  • -(void)didMoveToWindow - sent immediately after the view gets its window property set.

  • -(void)willMoveToSuperview:(UIView *)newSuperview - sent immediately before the view is added as a subview to another view; newSuperview may be nil when you remove the view from its superview.

  • -(void)willMoveToWindow:(UIWindow *)newWindow - sent immediately before the view (or its superview) is added to a window; newWindow may be nil when you remove the view from a window.

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Rizwan Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 20:10


Look, viewDidAppear is method of UIViewController which represents moment when view of ViewController did appear and allows you to do declare what should happen.

UIView has no method like this. This comes from MVC pattern: controller is in this case UIViewController which controls changes, actions, etc., and view is just what controller shows.

like image 24
Robert Dresler Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 19:10

Robert Dresler