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best practice for backing up cvs repository?

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Should I keep my site media in my website's repository?


Is version control possible on a shared host w/o shell access?

Hosted Source Control?

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New to Git: git push origin master = "ssh_exchange_identifiction: Connection closed by remote host. Fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly"

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TortoiseSVN: How do I export an entire file tree from a specific date

maven build error

Using a version control system as a data backend

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Managing Team Development on Shared Website

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Keeping a public and private version of my app using Git

In git, why should one work over a branch instead of the main branch?

git version-control

Discard all changes in Xcode 4.2

xcode git version-control

How to hg forget what .hgignore lists?

TFS gated check-in for one specific solution, nof for a whole Team Project

Config files are already in remote git repository. Want to unversion but not delete. How?

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what does using gitflow offer a git user?

Preventing TFS from adding Temporary files

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how can I see the differences in a designated file between a local branch and a remote branch?

hiding part of a git repo from untrusted users

git version-control

How do I prevent Mercurial patches from being pulled?