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what does using gitflow offer a git user?

We're transitioning to git, we need source control that handles branching and parallel development better. Our whole team has done a bit of research and we've decided to move to git. We also like the model of gitflow. I noticed there is also a gitflow extension for git.

What benefit does this extension have over standard git? It seems like it's mainly macros for bundling up commands. Should we bother with the gitflow extension (we do like the model)? Is it useful? How does it compare to standard git commands?

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aepheus Avatar asked Feb 22 '23 21:02


1 Answers

The gitflow "extension" is literally just a set of scripts that codify nvie's branching model. There's absolutely no need to use them, it's just a convenience. You may find it helpful to have the scripts to deal with the branching model, or you may prefer to just stick with vanilla git commands to do the exact same thing. It's just a personal preference.

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Lily Ballard Avatar answered Feb 24 '23 17:02

Lily Ballard