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TortoiseSVN: How do I export an entire file tree from a specific date

I have my project in Tortoise SVN repository.

I want to export the project to the disk, to the same state it was on a specific date. I do not have a branch/tag for that date. Is there a way to achieve that?

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Elad Avatar asked Feb 27 '23 20:02


2 Answers

Yes. SVN will accept a date in lieu of a revision number, for example:

svn export -r {2009-02-17}

See the documentation for info on date specifiers.

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Michael Hackner Avatar answered Mar 02 '23 09:03

Michael Hackner

You can export data from a certain revision only.

This is valid no matter whether you specify a revision number, or a date. (You can specify a date to find the nearest revision to a date, as described in Michael Hackner's answer.)

If you need to restore data because of a crash, this is reliable only if you always made full commits. It would be possible that only a certain directory or file was checked in. That wou td have created a new revision, that you get when querying for a date, but one that would not necessarily reflect the state of your working directory at the time.

Obviously, you can only recover data that was actually checked in to the repository.

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Pekka Avatar answered Mar 02 '23 10:03
