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New posts in unions

Tagged union C++

c++ clang c++14 unions

Why aren't bitfields allowed with normal variables?

c gcc struct unions bit-fields

How to use an extern union array in C?

c arrays extern unions

C++: Union vs Bitwise operators

Why is output of this float union NaN?

c++ floating-point unions

Using a C++ union, when which member you want is unknown

union in c stores one data at a time

c++ c unions

union for uint32_t and uint8_t[4] undefined behavior? [duplicate]

union consisting of float : completely insane output

c++ c floating-point unions

Cannot marshal a struct that contains a union

c# c++ struct marshalling unions

What is the best way to keep a pointer to different types when only one of them is needed at a time?

Error in Accessing a Union Member in Constant Expression

c++ constexpr unions

What's the difference between struct { ... } and struct { union { struct { ... } } }?

c winapi struct unions

Constructor and anonymous union with const members

Implementing function delegates in C with unions and function pointers

Union data structure alignment

c struct standards unions

std::shared_ptr in a union

c++ shared-ptr unions

Can a Union be self-referenced in C?

c unions

Zero-cost properties with data member syntax

Union – useless anachronism or useful old school trick?

c++ c data-structures unions