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New posts in undefined-behavior

Can one element of a tuple reference another?

Is it okay for int** and const int** to alias?

How is gcc optimizing this loop?

Is modifying the internal bytes of a const object undefined behavior in case it contains another object constructed by placement new?

How to synchronize multithreaded OpenGL buffer access?

Is it well-defined behavior to modify one element of an array while another thread modifies another element of the same array?

Dealing with undefined behavior when using reinterpret_cast in a memory mapping

TDD: Test member initialization deterministically, given undefined behavior in C++

Undefined behavior, or: Does Swift have sequence points?

Cast T[][] to T*

Is it safe and defined behavior to transmute between a T and an UnsafeCell<T>?

Where is the undefined behavior when using const_cast<>?

Is the 16-bit math in this program invoking undefined behavior?

Using std::launder to get a pointer to an active union member from a pointer to an inactive union member?

Comparing two string literals using memcmp

Does put_money hold its argument by value or reference?

Comma operator and void expression

Is calling a function on a NULL pointer undefined? [duplicate]

c++ undefined-behavior

Can integer division ever over/underflow, assuming the denominator <>0? [duplicate]

Is returning a forward-declared structure undefined behavior?