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New posts in comma-operator

C Standard - Comma Operator Syntax

c comma-operator

Can compiler skip evaluation of comma operator's left operand?

c++ comma-operator

Using comma operator in c

c comma-operator

No compiler warning when there's a comma instead of a semicolon in a for loop

`operator<<` on comma separated values in C++

Can't understand this code?

c++ function comma-operator

Expected unqualified-id before numeric constant?

c++ comma-operator

return list of values between parenthesis (10, 20, 30, 40)?

c++ comma-operator

C comma in ternary statement

Post-increment operator behaviour w.r.t comma operator?

How is the comma operator being used here? [duplicate]

c++ comma-operator

Expression "variable, variable = value;"

c++ comma-operator

segmentation fault when using double brackets with printf [duplicate]

Do {} while ( , ) with comma operator, is that even possible?

JavaScript declare a variable and use the comma operator in one statement?

C-preprocessor: iteratively expand macro to comma-separated list

Two strings between brackets separated by a comma in C++ [duplicate]

Comma operator with typeid

Is this use of the "," operator considered bad form?