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C Standard - Comma Operator Syntax

according to the C Standard (and K&R) the syntax of the Comma-Operator is as follows:

    expression, assignment-expression

But why does this statement work?

5+5, 1+1; 

5+5 and 1+1 are not assignment-expressions, but the C Standard requires assignment-expressions as operands for the Comma-Operator.

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Würst Chen Avatar asked Mar 12 '23 21:03

Würst Chen

2 Answers

assignment-expressionconditional-expressionlogical-OR-expressionlogical-AND-expressioninclusive-OR-expressionexclusive-OR-expressionAND-expressionequality-expressionrelational-expressionshift-expressionadditive-expression which finally are ⊃ additive-expression + multiplicative-expression.

So no, 5+5 is indeed ∈ assignment-expression.

⊃ is the "contains" relation.

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a3f Avatar answered Mar 19 '23 04:03


The way the C grammar is defined may not be obvious in the first place.

First, let's look how the assignment-expression is defined:

(6.5.16) assignment-expression:
    unary-expression assignment-operator assignment-expression

This means that it can be either conditional-expression or the latter combination of tokens. The former is defined as:

(6.5.15) conditional-expression:
    logical-OR-expression ? expression : conditional-expression

Eventually, you will encounter:

(6.5.7) shift-expression:
    shift-expression << additive-expression
    shift-expression >> additive-expression

where additive-expression corresponds to expressions such 1+1.

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Grzegorz Szpetkowski Avatar answered Mar 19 '23 02:03

Grzegorz Szpetkowski