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New posts in tuples

Confusion while deriving from std::tuple, can not handle std::get

Turning a generator of pairs into a pair of generators

python tuples generator

Unpacking nested tuples in C++

c++ c++11 tuples tie

Convert string representation of a nameless tuple, to tuple

ios swift tuples

F# flatten nested tuples

f# tuples flatten

How to create named reference-type tuples?

Python: Time and space complexity of creating size n^2 tuples

Can one element of a tuple reference another?

C++ Error Handling - downside of using std::pair or std::tuple for returning error codes and function returns [closed]

What's the most concise way to create an immutable class in C#?

c# tuples immutability

How to create a non-TH package from code generated using Template Haskell?

Update values for multiple keys in python

python dictionary tuples

Can I sort vector of tuple of references?

sorting c++11 tuples

Do std::tuple and std::pair support aggregate initialization?

How do I compare tuples for equivalent types disregarding type order?

Are tuples of tuples allowed?

Erlang : Tuple List into JSON

Tuple with multiple numbers of arbitrary but equal type

Why does starred assignment produce lists and not tuples?

Why does Scala construct a new Tuple when unpacking a Tuple?