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New posts in iterable-unpacking

Tuple unpacking combined with ipython shell escape

"ValueError too many values to unpack" when using str.split in a for loop

Python: Is there syntax-level support for unpacking, from tuples, the arguments to an *anonymous* function?

map with function for each element?

How to unpack deep nested iterable structure

Unpack a given number of items in Python?

python iterable-unpacking

Python struct.unpack(ing) when there are multiple byte-orders?

How to ignore unpacked parts of a tuple as argument of a lambda?

How to unpack a function-returned tuple?

django: use namedtuple instead of dict for **kwargs?

Python - unpack struct into multiple tuples

Why does *x, unpack map objects in python 3?

fst and 3-tuple in fsharp

What does single(not double) asterisk * means when unpacking dictionary in Python?

Python itertools: Best way to unpack product of product of list of lists

python tuples and lists. A tuple that refuses to convert

How to unpack a tuple into more values than the tuple has?

Python: Assign variables from array

Getting a Python function to cleanly return a scalar or list, depending on number of arguments

How can I explode a tuple so that it can be passed as a parameter list?