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New posts in transitive-dependency

Freezing transitive dependencies on maven release to get build fully reproducible

How to solve transitive dependencies version conflicts (scala/sbt)

maven - transitive dependencies [duplicate]

Should I rely on transitive dependencies in Maven if they come from other sub-module of my parent?

Maven project with native dependency and copying files

Disable transitive PackageReference dependency for a specific MsBuild project

How does one specify transitive dependencies of a test-jar for a maven project?

Can Gradle help solve jar hell in any way?

Transitively download a Maven artifact to the local repository

Trying to build an OSGi bundle in Maven with embedded dependencies. Can't seem to exclude transitive dependencies from BND classpath

Android Studio Gradle not using transitive dependencies

Transitive Dependency causing Conflicting version of same DLL

More efficiently compute transitive closures of each dependents while incrementally building the directed graph

How to get the information of transitive dependencies in a gradle task?

How to turn off transitive dependencies for maven projects?

Maven - Transitive dependencies are not resolved for artifact deployed on Artifactory