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New posts in parent-pom

Maven: Eclipse not correctly configuring paths in a project with a parent pom

java eclipse maven parent-pom

How to remove a plugin configuration defined in parent pom from child pom

Maven doesn't resolve local parent POM

java maven pom.xml parent-pom

Can Maven ref a parent POM from a private s3 bucket?

Maven -- is there a command to download the parent poms of all dependency jars?

java maven pom.xml parent-pom

Should I rely on transitive dependencies in Maven if they come from other sub-module of my parent?

How to resolve parent pom dependency issue: Failed to read artifact descriptor; Could not find artifact?

maven parent-pom

Non-resolvable parent POM

How to build two different project in single repository, using jenkins

Error with a excluded dependency in Spring Boot project: exclusion.artifactId with value '*' does not match a valid id pattern

Duplicate artifactId in child pom

maven pom.xml parent-pom

Gradle dependency scopes

maven gradle parent-pom

Maven Parent POM

maven pom.xml parent-pom

Maven: trustAnchors parameter must be non-empty and 'parent.relativePath' @ InvalidAlgorithmParameterException @ Non-resolvable parent POM

Maven package effective pom

java maven pom.xml parent-pom

maven-enforcer-plugin and child pom

How can I see where portions of an effective pom (in Maven) come from?

"Non-resolvable parent POM: Could not transfer artifact" when trying to refer to a parent pom from a child pom with ${parent.groupid}

maven pom.xml parent-pom

Maven - skip parent project build