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What is the correct name for each slash-separated piece of a file/URL path?

path terminology

Name of a path containing the complete file name?

what is difference between Software Stack and OS ? why Android is not an OS but software stack?

Terminology: What is a "glitch" in Functional Reactive Programming / RX?

Name of type pattern: R a b = Q (a -> (R a b,b))

What is the difference btw "Order" and "Degree" in terms of Tree data structure

DTO, DAO, and DCO. What is a DCO?

java terminology acronym

Does the term "monad" apply to values of types like Maybe or List, or does it instead apply only to the types themselves?

terminology monads

What's the correct term for the '...' token?

c++ c terminology

Does the term "monadic" in J have anything to do with its Haskell use?

haskell terminology monads j

What's that CS "big word" term for the same action always having the same effect

Meaning of foo, bar, baz, etc

What does the term multiplexing mean in computer science?

What is the difference between as.tibble(), as_data_frame(), and tbl_df()?

Deserialization vs. parsing

What algorithms did Dijkstra develop?

What exactly does "pass by reference" mean?

Terminology: Forward Declaration versus Function Prototype

The term "clause" in the context of programming

What is the full form of "SPI" in the Spring 3 type conversion system?