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Does the term "monad" apply to values of types like Maybe or List, or does it instead apply only to the types themselves?

I've noticed that the word "monad" seems to be used in a somewhat inconsistent way. I've come to believe that this is because many (if not most) of the monad tutorials out there are written by folks who have only just started to figure monads out themselves (eg: nuclear waste spacesuit burritos), and so the term ends up getting kind of overloaded/corrupted.

In particular, I'm wondering whether the term "monad" can be applied to individual values of types like Maybe, List or IO, or if the term "monad" should really only be applied to the types themselves.

This is a subtle distinction, so perhaps an analogy might make it more clear. In mathematics we have, rings, fields, groups, etc. These terms apply to an entire set of values along with the operations that can be performed on them, rather than to individual elements. For example, integers (along with the operations of addition, negation and multiplication) form a ring. You could say "Integer is a ring", but you would never say "5 is a ring".

So, can you say "Just 5 is a monad", or would that be as wrong as saying "5 is a ring"? I don't know category theory, but I'm under the impression that it really only makes sense to say "Maybe is a monad" and not "Just 5 is a monad".

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Laurence Gonsalves Avatar asked Jun 16 '12 21:06

Laurence Gonsalves

People also ask

Is maybe a monad?

In FP we often loosely say things like "arrays are monads" or "maybe values are monadic" etc. However, speaking more strictly, it is not the values (like [1, 2, 3] , Nothing , or Just(6) ) that are monads, but the context (the Array or Maybe "namespace" as you put it).

Is list a monad?

List as a data structure is not a Monad, but the fact that Scala's List implements flatMap is what gives it its monadic super-powers. It also needs to fulfil associativity, left unit and right unit laws to qualify as a Monad.

What is a monad in simple terms?

A monad is an algebraic structure in category theory, and in Haskell it is used to describe computations as sequences of steps, and to handle side effects such as state and IO. Monads are abstract, and they have many useful concrete instances. Monads provide a way to structure a program.

Is list a monad Haskell?

Lists are a fundamental part of Haskell, and we've used them extensively before getting to this chapter. The novel insight is that the list type is a monad too! As monads, lists are used to model nondeterministic computations which may return an arbitrary number of results.

1 Answers

"Monad" (and "Functor") are popularly misused as describing values. No value is a monad, functor, monoid, applicative functor, etc. Only types & type constructors (higher-kinded types) can be. When you hear (and you will) that "lists are monoids" or "functions are monads", etc, or "this function takes a monad as an argument", don't believe it. Ask the speaker "How can any value be a monoid (or monad or ...), considering that Haskells classes classify types (including higher-order ones) rather than values?" Lists are not monoids (etc). List a is.

My guess is that this popular misuse stems from mainstream languages having value classes and not type classes, so that habitual, unconscious value-class thinking sneaks in.

Why does it matter whether we use language precisely? Because we think in language and we build & convey understandings via language. So in order to have clear thoughts, it helps to have clear language (or be able to at any time).

"The slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts. The point is that the process is reversible." - George Orwell, Politics and the English Language

Edit: These remarks apply to Haskell, not to the more general setting of category theory.

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Conal Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 00:10
