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Derived-class constructor names being deprecated in PHP?

php oop syntax

Unhandled exception type URISyntaxException

Strange syntax in ArrayList declaration in java [duplicate]

java arraylist syntax

How do I set default syntax highlighting in Atom for Twig files?

Roslyn SyntaxTree Diff

Debug explicit characters due to indentation

haskell syntax indentation ghc

XPath select node with periods

ruby xml xpath syntax nodes

Why is Haskell so large? [closed]

haskell syntax

How to enable syntax conceal only in certain contexts in Vim?

vim syntax

Validate the syntax of PHP files more efficiently

What does the "extends {..}" clause in Scala object definition, without superclass name, do?

combn unclasses factor variables

r syntax

OCaml's `type a. a t` syntax

Shorthand for wrapping a swift variable in an optional?

C++ idioms when declaring template class members and constructors

Unable to use rank() over functions in R using sqldf

sql r syntax sqldf

Check if a string is a template literal in JavaScript

Are parentheses ignored if they only contain a property accessor? [duplicate]

javascript syntax

Is there any performance difference between a SQL "IN" statement versus using "OR"?

sql sql-server-2008 syntax

Avoiding var _this = this; when writing jQuery event handlers

javascript jquery syntax