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New posts in syntax

C# method parameter syntax - what does this mean? [duplicate]

c# syntax parameters

In C#, why you can set a property to its self [duplicate]

c# syntax properties

Does R 4.0.0. make it possible to define foo"(...)" operators, similar to the newly introduced r"(...)" syntax?

r syntax interpreter rawstring

How to create a new scope using let in F#?

syntax f#

Does VB.NET not allow line continuations over commented-out lines?

vb.net syntax

Is there a way to span long method names across multiple lines?

c# syntax

Trying to understand F# class definition syntax

.net syntax f# constructor

Scala pattern matching syntax

Syntax sugar for double-generic function

c# generics syntax

Peculiar Java Scope

What is the long version of "blocks[i][j].isColorBox() ? pieceColor : backgroundColor"?

java c++ syntax if-statement

Obscure Java import syntax? [closed]

java syntax import

What are JSDoc @type curly braces for?

Writing F# object expression in one single line

syntax f#

Powershell dot notation vs select-object

Is there an explanation for why we cannot place semicolons between CSS declaration blocks?

css syntax

Why is this JavaScript not interpreted as a code block when semi-colon is used?

Curly Braces In C#

c# syntax

Can I not create nested packages within one?

syntax raku

Using elements of a constant array as cases in a switch statement